Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 9: Comparsion

Day 9

This was inspired by a recent conversation with a former roommate. We saw each other on the train and decided to catch up over drinks. I told her about my decision to pursue design over accounting. In my introductory graphic design course, my classmates impress and intimidate me, especially the ones with art schooling. Whenever I compare my work to theirs, my aspiration to be a designer seems to be a farfetched dream. My day job has no design aspects and I have no fine arts education or computer software training.  My friend immediately said, "Don't ever compare your work to others."

I loved hearing that advice so you can expect to see that advice again in different forms. This poster explores the thin line between the times when comparison is good and when it is bad. Comparison is bad when it makes you feel poorly and prevents you from trying. The world and the internet is filled with artists and their works. If I took the time to compare my posters with the work out there, I would probably stop this project. Instead, I use the time to sit down and create something fun that makes me laugh.

At other times, comparsion can be inspirational. For example, I love travel. Other people's travel plans inspire my plans. If I haven't been to a particular location, their plans give me ideas on where to go, what to do, and most importantly, what to eat. If I have visited that country, it makes me feel a little closer to them knowing that we have visited the same place.

When you start to compare yourself to other people, use this handy-dandy flowchart. If you feel inspired, continue comparing yourself to others. If you feel despair, stop comparing. Instead, may I suggest you start a silly 30 day project of your own?

In what areas of life does comparison inspire you? In what areas have you needed to stop comparing yourself to others?

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