Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 10: WWBD?

Day 10
Most people spend their early twenties in a hedonistic haze of drinking, partying, and indiscriminate dating. I spent mine in book clubs and knitting groups. While my natural tendencies skewer towards grandma activities, I find myself drawn to people whose hobbies skewer towards exciting: fire-breathing, mountain climbing, aerial silks. Those people are cool and I am not so I can't do those things. That was my thought process until last year when I had an epiphany: I can do those things.

"Would a bad-ass do it?" has become a helpful question. I'm not talking about a bad-ass who beats up grandmas, steals candy from kids, and kicks kittens. "Bad-ass" is a person who does cool activities that I would like to try but I do not think I can do.  Once I stopped believing in my misconceptions of what activities are suitable for me and simply started trying, life became a lot more fun. I learned snowboarding from a friend. I learned blacksmithing at the Crucible in Oakland (an amazing place which I highly recommend). I'm learning graphic design through a university extension center. An advantage of living in San Francisco is there is always a place to learn and people to learn from. I'm finally taking advantage of it.

What fills in your blank: "What would ____________ do?" What have you accomplished with that guiding question?

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